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  • BSI
    BS 6043-2.1:1985, ISO 6375-1980 Methods of sampling and test for carbonaceous materials used in aluminium manufacture. Electrode coke - Sampling
    Edition: 1985
    / user per year

Description of BS 6043-2.1:1985 1985

This International Standard specifies methods for sampling and preparation of samples from lots of calcined coke so as to obtain, with sufficient accuracy, a sample that is representative of the average qualities of each entire lot.

It is applicable to cokes manufactured from pitch or petroleum intended specifically for use in the manufacture of electrodes used for the electrolytic production of aluminium.

Because of the special requirements of these cokes, this International Standard includes provisions which do not appear in the methods for sampling similar carbonaceous products, such as metallurgical cokes. These provisions are mainly concerned with the composition of samples for physical measurements and for particle size analysis.

The theoretical and practical aspects of sampling on which this International Standard is based are described more fully in ISO 1988 (coal) and ISO 2309 (metallurgical coke) and users are referred to these documents for greater detail.

Because of processing considerations, it is essential that the product shall be of uniform chemical composition. Two samples should therefore be taken:

  1. the first at the time of loading: in order to check the quality of the product as supplied;
  2. the second at the time of unloading at the customer’s premises or at the nearest port: in order to check for possible contamination in transit.

Applies to coke from either pitch or petroleum for use as electrodes in the electrolytic manufacture of aluminium.

About BSI

BSI Group, also known as the British Standards Institution is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services and also supplies certification and standards-related services to businesses.