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  • BSI
    BS 5666-2:1980 Methods of analysis of wood preservatives and treated timber - Qualitative analysis
    Edition: 1981
    / user per year

Description of BS 5666-2:1980 1981

This Part of this British Standard details procedures for the detection of preservative materials commonly found in organic solvent type and water-borne type preservative solutions and in preservative-treated wood. The complex nature of the tar oil type preservatives precludes the use of a specific qualitative test for this group, although some indication of their presence may be provided by odour and appearance characteristics.

The procedures described in this Part will frequently be applied before carrying out quantitative analyses using methods described in other Parts of this standard. Two types of qualitative test are described, those carried out directly on timber sections and those requiring prior preparation of an extract from the timber sample. Some preservative materials can be detected by either type of method, others by only one of them. In addition to the detection of preservative materials, the spray tests described may be used to estimate the penetration of the preservatives.

Although these tests have been validated for the types of preservative in current use, the introduction of new materials could give rise to difficulties and analysts should be alert to this possibility.

Preliminary tests on treated timber and tests on extracts; differentiation of heartwood and sapwood in $7IPinus$7R species.

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BSI Group, also known as the British Standards Institution is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services and also supplies certification and standards-related services to businesses.