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  • BSI
    BS 5493:1977 Code of practice for protective coating of iron and steel structures against corrosion
    Edition: 1977
    / user per year

Description of BS 5493:1977 1977

This code classifies recommended methods of protection against corrosion of iron and steel structures exposed to environments commonly encountered. It describes the various methods in detail and gives guidance on how to specify a chosen protective system, how to ensure its correct application, and how it should be maintained.

The code does not include specific recommendations for ships, vehicles, offshore platforms, specialized chemical equipment, or cladding materials; nor does it include detailed recommendations for plastics coatings or cement-mortar linings.

For steel of 5 mm thickness or less the recommendations of DD 24 may be preferred.

For some situations, weathering steel may be an alternative to ordinary structural steel with applied coatings. No detailed recommendations on the use of weathering steels are given in this code and when their use is contemplated, advice should be sought from the steel industry.

Guidance on how to specify a chosen protective system, how to ensure its correct application and how to maintain it. Does not include specific recommendations for ships, vehicles, offshore platforms, specialized chemical equipment, cladding materials, plastics coatings, cement-mortar linings or weathering steels.

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