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  • BSI
    BS 5258-9:1989 Safety of domestic gas appliances - Specification for combined appliances: fanned-circulation ducted-air heaters/circulators
    Edition: 1989
    / user per year

Description of BS 5258-9:1989 1989

This Part of BS 5258 specifies safety requirements and describes associated methods of test for gas-fired combined appliances consisting of a fanned-circulation ducted-air heater together with a circulator. The combined appliance is usually of integral construction, the circulator being fitted inside the air heater casing.

It also covers fanned-circulation ducted-air heaters which are designed to be fitted with circulators, as a purchaser’s option.

This Part of this standard only applies to circulators intended for use as an integral part of the combined appliance. Circulators intended for independent use are covered by BS 5258-1.

It covers appliances in which the rated heat input of the air heater does not exceed 60 kW1) and that of the circulator does not exceed 8 kW1).

This Part of BS 5258 is not applicable to:

  1. flueless appliances;
  2. type C appliances burning 3rd family gas;
  3. appliances incorporating full sequence automatic control systems;
  4. appliances with premixed gas and air burners;
  5. appliances designed to make use of the latent heat of condensation of the water vapour in the combustion products.

It does not include the special requirements for appliances for outdoor installation or for appliances with fan-powered combustion circuits or fan-assisted flues.

In specifying requirements for appliances burning 2nd family gases it is assumed that a meter governor will be fitted and for appliances burning 3rd family gases it is assumed that the gas supply from the container will be governed by a pressure regulator complying with the requirements of BS 3016.

There are circumstances, particularly in regard to central heating, where means of control may be provided either on the heating appliance or as part of the installation; where this option exists it is stated. Where the control forms part of the installation and its application conforms with established practice, no reference to the installation procedure is deemed necessary in this Part of BS 5258.

The requirements for controls relate to controls fitted as part of, or supplied with, particular appliances; they do not necessarily provide a complete specification for controls intended for general use.

NOTE The titles of the publications referred to in this standard are listed on the inside back cover.

Safety requirements and associated methods of test for heaters either combined with, or designed to be fitted with, circulators. Covers appliances burning 1st, 2nd and 3rd family gases of rated heat inputs of the air heater and circulator not exceeding 60 kW and 8 kW, respectively.

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BSI Group, also known as the British Standards Institution is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services and also supplies certification and standards-related services to businesses.