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  • BSI
    BS 3137:1972 Methods for determining the bursting strength of paper and board
    Edition: 1972
    / user per year

Description of BS 3137:1972 1972

This British Standard describes methods for measuring the bursting strengths of paper and board. Section 2 specifies a method for measuring the bursting strength of paper subjected to rising hydraulic pressure.

The method is applicable to paper with bursting strength within the range from 70 kN/m2 to 1 100 kN/m2. It should not, however, generally be used for the components (such as fluting medium or linerboard) of a combined board, for which the method specified in Section 3 is more suitable. Paper of bursting strength less than 70 kN/m2 may also be tested by bursting a number of sheets together.

Section 3 of this British Standard specifies a method for measuring the bursting strength of board subjected to rising hydraulic pressure.

The method is applicable, in principle, to all types of board (including solid and corrugated fibreboard) with bursting strength within the range from 350 kN/m2 to 5 500 kN/m2 1).

It may also be used for papers or boards with bursting strength as low as 250 kN/m2 if the paper or board is to be used to prepare a material of higher bursting strength, such as corrugated board. In such instances, the measurements will not necessarily have the accuracy or precision stated for this method and the report should carry a note that the test gave results that were below the minimum value required by the method.

NOTE The titles of the British Standards referred to in this standard are listed on the inside back cover.

Describes the hydraulic methods for determining the bursting strength of paper in the range from 70 kN/m2 to 1100 kN/m2 and for board within the range 350 kN/m2 to 5500 kN/m2. The pneumatic method, sometimes needed for pulp handsheets and weak papers, is described in an appendix.

About BSI

BSI Group, also known as the British Standards Institution is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services and also supplies certification and standards-related services to businesses.