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  • BSI
    BS 10500:2011 Specification for an anti-bribery management system (ABMS)
    Edition: 2011
    / user per year

Description of BS 10500:2011 2011

1.1 This British Standard specifies requirements for implementing an anti-bribery management system (ABMS), or the anti-bribery element of an overall management system, which addresses the following bribery risks in relation to the organization’s activities.

  1. Bribery in the public, private and voluntary sectors.

  2. Bribery by the organization, or by its personnel or others acting on its behalf or for its benefit.

  3. Bribery of the organization, or of its personnel or others acting on its behalf or for its benefit.

  4. Direct and indirect bribery (e.g. a bribe paid or received through or by a third party).

  5. Bribery within the country in which the organization is based, and bribery in other countries in which the organization operates.

  6. Bribery of any value, whether large or small (including facilitation payments).

  7. Bribery involving both cash and non-cash advantages.

1.2 This British Standard is applicable only to bribery, as defined by the laws applicable to the countries in which the organization is based and/or operating. It is not applicable to other criminal offences such as fraud, anti-trust/competition offences and money laundering, although the organization may choose to extend the scope of its ABMS to include these other offences.

NOTE 1 Most countries’ laws define bribery in slightly different ways. This Standard therefore does not provide its own definition of bribery, but requires that the organization’s ABMS is targeted at preventing all types of bribery as defined by laws applicable to the organization.

NOTE 2 Annex A gives guidance on the actions an organization can take in implementing an ABMS, while Annex B describes the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle followed by this and other management system standards.

1.3 The requirements of this British Standard are generic and are intended to be applicable to all organizations (or parts thereof), regardless of type, size and nature of business, and whether in the public, private or voluntary sectors. The extent of application of these requirements depends on the factors specified in 3.2.

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BSI Group, also known as the British Standards Institution is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services and also supplies certification and standards-related services to businesses.