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  • BSI
    23/30454702 DC BS EN 1175 Safety of industrial trucks. Electrical/electronic requirements
    Edition: 2023
    / user per year

Description of 23/30454702 DC 2023

This document specifies the electrical requirements for the design and construction of the electrical installation in self-propelled industrial trucks that are within the scope of ISO 5053-1:2020, except variable reach trucks as defined in ISO 5053-1:2020, 3.21 and 3.22, straddle carriers as defined in ISO 5053-1:2020, 3.18 and 3.19, and specific functions, parts and/or systems utilized for the automatic operation of driverless industrial trucks as defined in ISO 5053-1:2020, 3.32. It provides the electrical/electronic and safety-related parts of control system requirements for those self-propelled industrial trucks identified above NOTE 1 Reference is made to this document in other standards which cover the non-electrical requirements of the various industrial truck types. This document deals with safety requirements for all electrical and electronic components of industrial trucks, including electrically actuated hydraulic/pneumatic valves. It specifies minimum performance levels required for safety functions realized by safety related parts of control systems. It is intended to be used to avoid or minimize hazards or hazardous situations listed in Annex I. These situations can arise during the operation in the area of use for which it is designed and during maintenance of trucks in accordance with the specifications and instruction given by the manufacturer. This document does not deal with hazards which could occur: a) during construction; b) when operating in potentially explosive atmospheres; c) because of malfunction of non-electric safety-related parts of control systems, e.g. hydraulic and pneumatic elements like pistons, non-electric valves, pumps etc; d) when operating outside the range of 30 % to 95 % (not condensing) of relative humidity. NOTE 2 The level of the defined required performance for electrical safety related control systems can be used as a guideline to determine the performance of non-electric systems. NOTE 3 Hazards due to penetration of water and dust are covered by the definition of PLr of safety functions, according to EN ISO 13849-1:2015.

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