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  • BSI
    23/30443611 DC BS EN 1993-1-6. Eurocode 3. Design of steel structures - Part 1-6. Strength and Stability of Shell Structures
    Edition: 2023
    / user per year

Description of 23/30443611 DC 2023

1.1 Scope of prEN 1993-1-6 (1) prEN 1993-1-6 provides rules for the structural design of plated steel structures that have the form of a shell of revolution (axisymmetric shell). (2) This document is applicable to unstiffened fabricated axisymmetric shells formed from isotropic rolled plates using both algebraic and computational procedures, and to stiffened axisymmetric shells with different wall constructions using computational procedures. It also applies to associated circular or annular plates and to beam section rings and stringer stiffeners where they form part of the complete shell structure. The general computational procedures are applicable to all shell forms. (3) This document does not apply to manufactured shells or to shell panels or to elliptical shell forms, except that its computational procedures are applicable to all shell structures. This document does not apply to structures under seismic or other dynamic loading. It does not cover the aspects of leakage of stored liquids or solids. (4) Cylindrical and conical panels are not explicitly covered by this document. However, the provisions of subclause 9.8 can be used provided that appropriate boundary conditions are taken into account. (5) This document defines the characteristic and design values of the resistance of the structure. (6) This document is concerned with the requirements for design against the ultimate limit states of: - plastic failure; - cyclic plasticity; - buckling; - fatigue. (7) Overall equilibrium of the structure (sliding, uplifting, overturning) is not included in this document. Special considerations for specific applications are included in the relevant application parts of EN 1993. (8) Detailed formulae for the simple calculation of unstiffened cylinders, cones and spherical domes are given in the Annexes. (9) Provisions for simple calculations on specific stiffened shell types are given in EN 1993-4-1. (10) This document is intended for application to steel shell structures. Where no standard exists for shell structures made of other metals, including high strength steels, the provisions of this document are applicable provided the appropriate material properties of the metal are taken into account. (11) The provisions of this document are intended to be applied within the temperature ranges defined in the relevant EN 1993 application parts. (12) Where no application part defines a different range, this document applies to structures within the following limits: - design metal temperatures lie within the range −50 °C to +100 °C, except when using the special provisions given in 5.1; - radius to thickness ratios (r/t) within the range 50 to 2 000; - manufactured circular hollow sections according to EN 10210 and EN 10219 are outside the scope of this standard and are covered by EN 1993-1-1. However, if no other provisions are available, the rules of this document are useful for manufactured circular hollow sections. In particular, this document is applicable to the design of manufactured piles (see EN 1993-5) provided the imperfections and tolerance requirements of EN 1993-5 are adopted in place of those specified in prEN 1993-1-6, and where no other standard covers the specific pile geometry. NOTE 1 Experimental and theoretical data relating to manufactured circular hollow sections were not considered when this document was drafted. The application of this document to such structures therefore remains the responsibility of the user. NOTE 2 The stress design rules of this document can be rather conservative if applied to some geometries and loading conditions for relatively thick-walled shells. NOTE 3 Thinner shells than r/t = 2 000 can be treated using these provisions but the provisions have not been verified for such thin shells. ...

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