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  • BSI
    22/30443637 DC BS EN 17837. Postal Services. Parcel Delivery Environmental Footprint. Methodology for calculation and declaration of GHG emissions and air pollutants of parcel logistics delivery services
    Edition: 2022
    / user per year

Description of 22/30443637 DC 2022

This document establishes a common methodology for the calculation and declaration of direct and indirect Greenhouse gas (GHG) as well as air pollutant emissions related to any parcel delivery service. It only covers a part of the entire retail value chain usually consisting of creating the product, storing the inventory, distributing the goods and making the product available for consumers. This document includes only the distribution of goods, but considers the entire value chain of the parcel transportation process flow, namely the collection and delivery rounds, the direct injection, the trunking and the operations due to processing and the physical handling of parcels. See Figure 1 below for a graphical illustration. Figure 1 - Overview of parcel delivery operations... This document covers emissions associated with the up- and downstream transportation related activities as well as the operational activities for a parcel to be delivered. In more detail, it includes: - the use of vehicles (for all transportation modes) during the delivery phase in terms of core trunking as well as first and last mile related transportation; - all related direct and indirect emissions from the use of and processes in logistics sites, namely offices, sites and buildings where the virtual processing (data computing services), the administrative management and the physical handling operations of parcels are carried out; - other operational activities needed to fulfil the parcel delivery service, e.g. required packaging materials (everything additional to the underlying parcel inherent packaging) provided by the parcel logistics service providers including e-commerce entity; and - waste management from the sites of the parcel logistics service providers. When quantifying GHG emissions, account is also taken of the GHG emissions associated with upstream energy processes for fuels and electricity used by vehicles and related operation infrastructure (including for example production and distribution of fuels). This ensures the standard covers and produces values for both direct and indirect emissions (including well-to-tank emissions). In addition, empty mileage can be considered too. As a result, calculation results allow the consistent comparison of possible different energy sources by parcel service providers, users, and other interested parties. This document also covers the air pollutants carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, particulate matters 2.5 and 10, and sulfur oxides associated with the use of vehicles for all transportation modes for exhaust and non-exhaust emissions and all related direct and indirect emissions from the use of and processes in logistics sites, namely offices, sites and buildings. It specifies general principles, definitions, system boundaries, calculation methods, parcel allocation rules and data requirements, with the objective to promote standardized, accurate, credible and verifiable declarations, regarding emissions quantified. It also includes examples on the application of the principles. Potential users of this document are any person or organisation who needs to refer to a standardised methodology when communicating the results of the quantification of emissions related to a parcel delivery service, especially parcel logistics service providers and parcel service users (e.g. consignors and consignees). This document presents the below elements: - step by step guidance for quantifying emissions of parcel logistics services; - calculation methodology for GHG emissions; - calculation methodology for air pollutants (carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx), particulate matters (PM) 2.5 and 10, and sulfur oxides (SOx)); - allocation rules per item (parcel); and - reporting frameworks and data to be shared with business customers or consignees.

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