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  • BSI
    21/30427867 DC BS EN ISO 24281. Textiles. Biaxial tensile properties of woven fabric. Determination of maximum force and elongation at maximum force using the grab method
    Edition: 2021
    / user per year

Description of 21/30427867 DC 2021

This document specifies a procedure to determine the maximum force and elongation at maximum force of textiles woven fabrics using a grab method in the biaxial testing machine.

The method is mainly applicable to woven textile fabrics, including fabrics which exhibit stretch characteristics imparted by the presence of an elastomeric fibre, mechanical, or chemical treatment. It can be applicable to fabrics produced by other techniques. It is not applicable to geotextiles, nonwovens, coated fabrics, textile-glass woven fabrics, and fabrics made from carbon fibres or polyolefin tape yarns (see Bibliography).

The method is restricted to the use of constant rate of extension (CRE) testing machines to the same axis.

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