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  • BSI
    20/30404552 DC BS EN 1264-4. Water based surface embedded heating and cooling systems - Part 4. Installation
    Edition: 2020
    / user per year

Description of 20/30404552 DC 2020

EN 1264 covers surface embedded heating and cooling systems installed in buildings, residential and non-residential (e.g. office, public, commercial and industrial buildings) and focuses on systems installed for the purpose of thermal comfort.

EN 1264 applies to water based heating and cooling systems embedded into the enclosure surfaces of the room to be heated or to be cooled. It also applies as appropriate to the use of other heating media instead of water.

EN 1264 applies to identify standardized product characteristics by calculation and testing the thermal output of heating for technical specifications and certification. For the design, construction and operation of these systems, EN ISO 11855 applies.

The systems covered in EN 1264 are adjoined to the structural base of the enclosure surfaces of the building, mounted directly or with fixing supports. It does not cover ceiling systems mounted in a suspended ceiling with a designed open air gap between the system and the building structure which allows the thermally induced circulation of the air. The thermal output of these systems can be determined according to ISO 18566, EN 14037 and EN 14240.

EN 1264‑4 specifies uniform requirements for the design and the construction of heating and cooling floor, ceiling and wall structures to ensure that the heating/cooling systems are suited to the particular application.

The requirements specified by EN 1264 apply only to the components of the heating/cooling systems which are part of the heating/cooling system. EN 1264‑4 does not cover all other elements which are not part of the heating/cooling system.

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BSI Group, also known as the British Standards Institution is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services and also supplies certification and standards-related services to businesses.