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  • BOMA
    A Unified Approach for Measuring Office Space: For Use in Facility and Property Management
    Edition: 2007
    For multi-site access pricing, please contact us at or +1800.798.9296.
    1 Simo User - 1 Loc per year

Content Description

A Unified Approach for Measuring Office Space: For Use in Facility and Property Management reveals and harmonizes the differences between the IFMA floor measurement standard for spatial planning and the BOMA Office Standard, which is used for leasing purposes. It includes cutting-edge concepts and definitions that will be used by each organization as the basis for future floor measurement standard development. A Unified Approach is a must-have for commercial real estate professionals and for building and interior designers.

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About BOMA

Founded in 1907, the Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) International is a federation of U.S. local associations and global affiliates. The leading trade association for commercial real estate professionals for more than 100 years, it represents the owners, managers, service providers and other property professionals of all commercial building types, including office, industrial, medical, corporate and mixed-use. BOMA International is the partner individuals in the commercial real estate industry choose to maximize value for their careers, organizations and assets. Its mission is to advance a vibrant commercial real estate industry through advocacy, influence and knowledge.