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    ANSI/BIFMA X5.6-2016 (R2021) Panel Systems
    Edition: 2016
    / user per year

Content Description

This standard is intended to provide a common basis for evaluating the safety, durability, and structural performance of panel systems products, such as panels, screens, panel-supported systems, access doors and various hang-on components used in conjunction with panel systems products. Building wall-mounted components are not covered by this standard; they are covered by the ANSI/BIFMA X5.9 Standard for Office Furniture Storage Units ? Tests. Where a product may be covered by more than one ANSI/BIFMA standard, the manufacturer shall determine which standard provides most appropriate test conditions. Where a product is intended for use outside of the commercial office and related institutional environments, it is the responsibility of the user of this standard to determine if it is suitable for use in such evaluations. This standard specifies acceptance levels to help ensure reasonable safety and performance independent of construction materials, manufacturing processes, mechanical designs, or aesthetic designs. The acceptance levels herein are based on the actual field and test experience of BIFMA members. This standard also provides recommendations for acoustical performance of panel systems products, and an Informative Annex that addresses considerations for Full-height Relocatable Wall products. The standard defines tests used to determine the acceptability of the product and specifies the acceptance levels of performance. These tests are not intended to assess a product that has been in use. The tests were developed with an estimated product life of ten years based on a single-shift usage. Product life will be affected by product use, care and maintenance, environment, and other factors. Product compliance to this standard does not necessarily guarantee a ten-year product life. Products may perform longer than ten years with appropriate use and care. ISO 17025 requirements for reporting uncertainty do not apply when determining conformance to this standard.

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BIFMA is the not‐for-profit trade association for business and institutional furniture manufacturers. Since 1973, BIFMA has been the voice of the commercial furniture industry, providing healthy, comfortable, and productive spaces – rests on an infrastructure of engineering and materials standards. These standards, founded on centuries of craft and enhanced by ever-advancing science, embody the best of BIFMA's knowledge on safety, ergonomics, and sustainability.

BIFMA sponsors the development and refinement of standards, educates on their importance and application, and translates their necessary complexity into more easily understood and implemented formats. BIFMA promotes sustainability throughout the life cycle of furniture.