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  • ASTM
    F2318-04 Standard Specification for Rotary Wing Basic Life Support, Advanced Life Support, and Specialized Medical Support Air Ambulances
    Edition: 2004
    Unlimited Users per year

Description of ASTM-F2318 2004

ASTM F2318-04

Historical Standard: Standard Specification for Rotary Wing Basic Life Support, Advanced Life Support, and Specialized Medical Support Air Ambulances (Withdrawn 2013)

ASTM F2318


1.1 This specification covers rotary wing aircraft involved in patient prehospital emergency medical care and transportation. It outlines the minimum requirements, including personnel, and patient care equipment and supplies, that must be met before the aircraft can be classified as a rotary wing air ambulance unit.

1.2 The first part of this specification (Sections through ) describes the minimum aircraft configuration and capability, the minimum number of seats for personnel, and the provisions for the minimum medical equipment and supplies for rotary wing basic life support air ambulances.

1.3 The provisions of this specification plus the provisions of the Advanced Life Support (ALS) Annex comprise the specification for rotary wing advanced life support air ambulances.(See Section 1 and 1.1 of the Advanced Life Support (ALS) Annex for the scope for rotary wing advanced life support air ambulances.)

1.4 The provisions of this specification plus the provisions of the Advanced Life Support Annex, plus the provisions in the Specialized Medical Support (SMS) Annex comprise the specification for rotary wing specialized medical support air ambulances. (See Sections 1 through 1.3 of the Specialized Medical Support (SMS) Annex for the scope for rotary wing specialized medical support air ambulances.)


ICS Code

ICS Number Code 11.160 (First aid)

DOI: 10.1520/F2318-04

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