ASTM E344-12
Historical Standard: ASTM E344-12 Terminology Relating to Thermometry and Hydrometry
SUPERSEDED (see Active link, below)
1. Scope
1.1 This terminology is a compilation of definitions of terms used by ASTM Committee E20 on Temperature Measurement.
1.2 Terms with definitions generally applicable to the fields of thermometry and hydrometry are listed in 3.1.
1.3 Terms with definitions applicable only to the indicated standards in which they appear are listed in 3.2.
1.4 Information about the International Temperature Scale of 1990 is given in Appendix X1.
2. Referenced Documents (purchase separately) The documents listed below are referenced within the subject standard but are not provided as part of the standard.
ASTM Standards
E1 Specification for ASTM Liquid-in-Glass Thermometers
E77 Test Method for Inspection and Verification of Thermometers
E100 Specification for ASTM Hydrometers
E126 Test Method for Inspection, Calibration, and Verification of ASTM Hydrometers
E207 Test Method for Thermal EMF Test of Single Thermoelement Materials by Comparison with a Reference Thermoelement of Similar EMF-Temperature Properties
E220 Test Method for Calibration of Thermocouples By Comparison Techniques
E230 Specification and Temperature-Electromotive Force (EMF) Tables for Standardized Thermocouples
E452 Test Method for Calibration of Refractory Metal Thermocouples Using a Radiation Thermometer
E574 Specification for Duplex, Base Metal Thermocouple Wire With Glass Fiber or Silica Fiber Insulation
E585/E585M Specification for Compacted Mineral-Insulated, Metal-Sheathed, Base Metal Thermocouple Cable
E601 Test Method for Measuring Electromotive Force (emf) Stability of Base-Metal Thermoelement Materials with Time in Air
E608/E608M Specification for Mineral-Insulated, Metal-Sheathed Base Metal Thermocouples
E644 Test Methods for Testing Industrial Resistance Thermometers
E667 Specification for Mercury-in-Glass, Maximum Self-Registering Clinical Thermometers
E696 Specification for Tungsten-Rhenium Alloy Thermocouple Wire
E710 Test Method for Comparing EMF Stabilities of Base-Metal Thermoelements in Air Using Dual, Simultaneous, Thermal-EMF Indicators
E780 Test Method for Measuring the Insulation Resistance of Mineral-Insulated, Metal-Sheathed Thermocouples and Thermocouple Cable at Room Temperature
E825 Specification for Phase Change-Type Disposable Fever Thermometer for Intermittent Determination of Human Temperature
E839 Test Methods for Sheathed Thermocouples and Sheathed Thermocouple Cable
E879 Specification for Thermistor Sensors for General Purpose and Laboratory Temperature Measurements
E1061 Specification for Direct-Reading Liquid Crystal Forehead Thermometers
E1104 Specification for Clinical Thermometer Probe Covers and Sheaths
E1112 Specification for Electronic Thermometer for Intermittent Determination of Patient Temperature
E1129/E1129M Specification for Thermocouple Connectors
E1137/E1137M Specification for Industrial Platinum Resistance Thermometers
E1159 Specification for Thermocouple Materials, Platinum-Rhodium Alloys, and Platinum
E1256 Test Methods for Radiation Thermometers (Single Waveband Type)
E1299 Specification for Reusable Phase-Change-Type Fever Thermometer for Intermittent Determination of Human Temperature
E1350 Guide for Testing Sheathed Thermocouples, Thermocouples Assemblies, and Connecting Wires Prior to, and After Installation or Service
E1502 Guide for Use of Fixed-Point Cells for Reference Temperatures
E1594 Guide for Expression of Temperature
E1684 Specification for Miniature Thermocouple Connectors
E1750 Guide for Use of Water Triple Point Cells
E1751 Guide for Temperature Electromotive Force (EMF) Tables for Non-Letter Designated Thermocouple Combinations
E1965 Specification for Infrared Thermometers for Intermittent Determination of Patient Temperature
E2181/E2181M Specification for Compacted Mineral-Insulated, Metal-Sheathed, Noble Metal Thermocouples and Thermocouple Cable
E2251 Specification for Liquid-in-Glass ASTM Thermometers with Low-Hazard Precision Liquids
E2593 Guide for Accuracy Verification of Industrial Platinum Resistance Thermometers
Other Standards, Supplementary Vocabularies, and Sources
Guide to the Express 1995 IEC 61298-1 Process Measurement and Control Devices General Methods and Procedures for Evaluating Performance- Part 1: General Considerations Available from International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), 3 rue de Varemb, Case postale 131, CH-1211, Geneva 20, Switzerland, International Vocabu 1993Keywords
hydrometer analysis; terminology; laboratory applications; thermometers; thermometry/hydrometry;
ICS Code
ICS Number Code 01.040.17 (Metrology and measurement. Physical phenomena (Vocabularies)); 17.200.20 (Temperature-measuring instruments)
DOI: 10.1520/E0344-12
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