ASTM E2088-06
Historical Standard: ASTM E2088-06 Standard Practice for Selecting, Preparing, Exposing, and Analyzing Witness Surfaces for Measuring Particle Deposition in Cleanrooms and Associated Controlled Environments
SUPERSEDED (see Active link, below)
ASTM E2088
1. Scope
1.1 This practice is intended to assist in the selection, preparation, exposure, and analysis of witness surfaces for the purpose of characterizing particle deposition rates in cleanrooms and associated controlled environments, particularly for aerospace applications.
1.2 Requirements may be defined in terms of particle size distribution and count, percent area coverage, or product performance criteria such as optical transmission or scatter. Several choices for witness surfaces are provided.
This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
1.3 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard.
2. Referenced Documents (purchase separately) The documents listed below are referenced within the subject standard but are not provided as part of the standard.
ASTM Standards
E1216 Practice for Sampling for Particulate Contamination by Tape Lift
F24 Test Method for Measuring and Counting Particulate Contamination on Surfaces
F312 Test Methods for Microscopical Sizing and Counting Particles from Aerospace Fluids on Membrane Filters
Government Standards
IEST-STD-CC1246 Product Cleanliness Levels and Contamination Control Program Available from Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology (IEST), Arlington Place One, 2340 South Arlington Heights Road, Suite 100, Arlington Heights, IL 60005-4516, Standard
ISO14644-1 Cleanrooms and Associated Controlled Environments--Part 1: Classification of Air Cleanliness Available from American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 W. 43rd St., 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036,
cleanroom; contamination control; controlled environment; Analyzing witness surfaces; Cleanrooms (materials/applications); Environmental control/fate; Particulate contamination (aerospace environments); Preparing witness surfaces; Selection guides--test procedures; Witness surfaces; Analyzing witness surfaces; Cleanrooms (materials/applications); Environmental control/fate; Particulate contamination (aerospace environments); Preparing witness surfaces; Selection guides--test procedures; Witness surfaces
ICS Code
ICS Number Code 13.040.35 (Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments)
DOI: 10.1520/E2088-06
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