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  • ASTM
    E1679-95(2012) Standard Practice for Setting the Requirements for the Serviceability of a Building or Building-Related Facility
    Edition: 2012
    Unlimited Users per year

Description of ASTM-E1679 2012

ASTM E1679 - 95(2012)

Standard Practice for Setting the Requirements for the Serviceability of a Building or Building-Related Facility

Active Standard ASTM E1679 | Developed by Subcommittee: E06.25

Book of Standards Volume: 04.11

ASTM E1679

Significance and Use

This practice can be applied to the requirements for serviceability of many functional occupant groups, provided that an appropriate set of requirement classifications for each type has been established.

This practice can be used to ascertain the requirements of a group or organization at the time when the group ( 1 ) needs to ascertain the serviceability of the facility it occupies; ( 2 ) is contemplating a move and needs to assess the relative capability of several existing facilities to perform as required, before deciding to rent, lease, or buy; ( 3 ) needs to compare its requirements to the serviceability of a facility that is being planned, or is designed but is not yet built; ( 4 ) is planning to remodel or rehabilitate the space it occupies and needs to establish the required level of serviceability that the remodeled or rehabilitated facility will have to meet.

This practice is not affected by the complexity of the requirement for serviceability.

This practice can be used by any individual with sufficient organizational, functional, and technical knowledge to act as an informed facilitator. The individual charged with the task of leading the process of establishing the serviceability requirements of an occupant group or organization needs basic facilitation and interviewing skills.

This practice provides a means of setting typical required serviceability levels for any serviceability topic, and of comparing the required serviceability levels for one occupant group or organization against levels set by others.

This practice provides a means for organizations to set a profile of requirements for serviceability for each generic type of occupant group within that organization.

This practice enables an organization to compare an occupant's profile to a generic profile rapidly.

This practice provides a means for organizations to identify and validate exceptional needs of their occupants rapidly.

This practice provides a means of comparing the requirement levels of various occupant groups within an organization.

This practice provides a method for comparing how well an occupant's requirements for serviceability match the capabilities of different buildings or facilities, despite differences such as location, structure, mechanical systems, age, and building shape.

This practice provides a framework that allows design professionals and facility managers to select the most cost-effective means of providing a facility that will best provide the required levels of serviceability.

This practice helps the occupants to understand how various serviceability requirements interact and impact on the overall functionality of a building or building-related facility and on its level of serviceability for each topic.

By providing a direct link between the features of a facility and its level of serviceability on any topic, the descriptions of each level clarify how various subsystems and materials used in a facility interact to provide that level of serviceability.

This practice is not intended for, and is not suitable for, use for regulatory purposes, nor for fire hazard assessment, nor for fire risk assessment.

1. Scope

1.1 This practice is a definitive procedure for setting requirements for the serviceability of a building or building-related facility.

1.2 This practice is not intended to be used for regulatory purposes.

1.3 This practice can be used for setting the profile of serviceability requirements of an occupant group in an existing building or building-related facility or of a group planning to move and looking at new accommodations to rent, buy, or build.

1.4 This practice can be used for setting the profile of serviceability requirements of an owner, facility manager, lender, or other investor.

1.5 The process of creating or adapting a set of classifications for establishing the levels of serviceability required by an occupant group or organization is outside the scope of the practice.

1.6 This practice contains the following information, in the sections indicated:

Introduction 1
Scope 1
Referenced Documents 2
Terminology 3
Summary of Practice 4
Significance and Use 5
Procedure 6
Keywords 7
Example of a Pair of Serviceability Scales for One Topic Appendix X1
Example of Part of a Pair of Matching Profiles Presented as Bar Charts Appendix X2
Example of Titles of Serviceability Aspects, Topics, and Features Appendix X3
Example of a List of Common Generic Types of Function Appendix X4

2. Referenced Documents (purchase separately) The documents listed below are referenced within the subject standard but are not provided as part of the standard.

ISO Documents

ISO 6240 International Standard, Performance Standards in Building--Contents and Presentation

ASTM Standards

E631 Terminology of Building Constructions

E632 Practice for Developing Accelerated Tests to Aid Prediction of the Service Life of Building Components and Materials

E917 Practice for Measuring Life-Cycle Costs of Buildings and Building Systems

E1334 Practice for Rating the Serviceability of a Building or Building-Related Facility

E1480 Terminology of Facility Management (Building-Related)


building; facility; facility occupants; function; generic requirements package; office; performance; rating; rating scale; requirements; serviceability; use ;

ICS Code

ICS Number Code 91.040.20 (Buildings for commerce and industry)

DOI: 10.1520/E1679-95R12

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ASTM E1679

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