ASTM D6665-01
Historical Standard: ASTM D6665-01 Standard Practice for Evaluation of Aging Resistance of Pre-stressed Prepainted Metal in a Boiling Water Test
SUPERSEDED (see Active link, below)
ASTM D6665
1. Scope
1.1 This practice can be used to evaluate the resistance of a pre-stressed prepainted metal panel to cracking and loss of adhesion, or both, after accelerated aging by boiling water. Most coil coated products are formed and bent into specific shapes to produce a final product. These operations introduce stresses, which may be relieved by cracking of the coating after aging.
1.2 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
2. Referenced Documents (purchase separately) The documents listed below are referenced within the subject standard but are not provided as part of the standard.
ASTM Standards
D2794 Test Method for Resistance of Organic Coatings to the Effects of Rapid Deformation (Impact)
D4145 Test Method for Coating Flexibility of Prepainted Sheet
E643 Test Method for Ball Punch Deformation of Metallic Sheet Material
aging; bend; boiling water; coil; cracking; deformation; drawn metal; fabrication; flexibility; flowering; impact; pick-off; prepaint; stresses; tape-off; Aging; Aging resistance; Boiling water test; Prestressed prepainted metal;
ICS Code
ICS Number Code 19.040 (Environmental testing); 91.140.65 (Water heating equipment)
DOI: 10.1520/D6665-01
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