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  • ASCE
    ASCE/COS 73-23: Standard Practice for Sustainable Infrastructure
    Edition: 2023
    / user per year

Content Description

Prepared by the Sustainable Infrastructure Standards Committee of the Committee on Sustainability of ASCE

Standard Practice for Sustainable Infrastructure, ASCE/COS 73-23, addresses development and implementation of sustainable infrastructure solutions through the entire infrastructure life cycle. It can be used for infrastructure solutions of any scale, although it is specifically not intended to unduly burden small projects.

The standard guides project leaders to encourage transformative development of the infrastructure solution from the earliest stages; consider and analyze all reasonable alternatives; and consider natural, no-construction, and constructed project solutions. It also provides life-cycle cost analysis requirements to protect and professionally steward private and public funds.

ASCE 73-23 will help owners or owner agencies, architects and engineers, support organizations, and contractors and subcontractors meet stakeholder needs and issues, as well as balance the economic, environmental, and social impacts (positive and negative, quantifiable and nonquantifiable) throughout the life cycle of sustainable infrastructure solutions.

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