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  • ASCE
    ASCE Standard 11 Guideline for Structural Condition Assessment of Existing Buildings
    Edition: 1999
    / user per year

Content Description

Changing economic conditions, concern for historic preservation, emphasis on fully utilizing conveniently located structures, space shortages, and increasing cost of materials and products used in the construction of new buildings, have resulted in a need to evaluate and more fully utilize the existing building inventory. To this end, this revision of the ASCE Standard Guideline for Structural Condition Assessment of Existing Buildings (a replacement of ASCE 11-90) provides the design community with guidelines for assessing the structural conditions of existing buildings constructed of combinations of material including concrete, masonry, metals, and wood. It consists of an overview of preliminary and detailed assessment procedures, of materials properties and test methods, and of evaluation procedures for various physical conditions of the structure. This information has been compiled and subjected to a consensus review and approved by the ASCE Standards Committee on Structural Condition to provide a much needed resource standards on building condition assessment for selected materials, and for other areas related to the structural performance of buildings. Professional engineers, building owners, and regulatory officials will find this Standard Guideline invaluable.

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