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Content Description

Design Considerations for Plantable Permeable Pavement, 2024
CEU: 0.1 | CEU Code: SR-EN-165003-0724

Plantable permeable paving systems continue to grow in scope and practicality as we search for ways to reduce our carbon footprint, improve water quality, diminish flooding and erosion, reduce the urban heat island from reradiated heat in our cities and environment, and add attractive open space to building sites and neighborhoods. This course looks at plantable permeable pavement system types, their use, and how they can help achieve sustainability goals.

Learning Objectives

  • Define plantable permeable pavement types, including applicable government regulations and best management practices for their use.
  • Recognize the environmentally friendly attributes of plantable permeable pavement systems.
  • Identify basic design considerations for plantable permeable pavement.
  • Contrast the attributes of the four main types of plantable permeable pavements.
  • Apply sustainable design considerations for plantable permeable pavements to project types.

Faculty BIO

Nick Jansson earned his Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from San Diego State University. He has 25 years of experience in civil engineering with some reputable civil engineering companies in San Diego County. He has also been a registered Professional Engineer since 2004. Nick Jansson currently serves as Vice President of Soil Retention on the construction side as well as the product development, manufacturing, and distribution side.
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