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  • ACI
    524R-16 Guide to Portland Cement-Based Plaster
    Edition: 2016
    / user per year

Content Description

This guide provides information on the plastering process, including prequalification of materials, plaster tool and equipment suggestions, mixture proportions, application procedures, finish types, and troubleshooting and repair. This guide is intended for architects, engineers, designers, specification writers, contractors, plasterers, laboratory personnel, and public authorities. Portland cement-based plastering processes and properties differ in many ways from those used in the concrete trade. The equipment used to mix plaster, the methods of curing, preparation of substrates, mixture design components, material application, finishing techniques, and methods of controlling cracking are only applicable to plaster and are not appropriate for concrete. Likewise, literature specific to concrete trade practice should not be assumed exchangeable or applicable to common plastering trade practice. Differences in plastering terminology are of key importance and, therefore, an extensive list of them is provided in this guide. Keywords: base; bonding agents; brown coat; cracking; finish coat; fresh plaster; furring; hardened plaster; scratch coat; sheathing; stucco; texture.
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