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American National Standard of Procedures for Compliance Testing of Unlicensed Wireless Devices (Published), 2020
- ANSI C63.10-2020 Front Cover
- Title page
- Important Notices and Disclaimers Concerning IEEE Standards Documents
- Participants
- Introduction
- Contents
- 1. Overview [Go to Page]
- 1.1 Scope
- 1.2 Purpose and applications
- 1.3 Stating requirements and recommendations
- 1.4 Measurement uncertainty
- 1.5 Dimensional tolerances
- 2. Normative references
- 3. Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations [Go to Page]
- 3.1 Definitions
- 3.2 Acronyms and abbreviations
- 4. Measurement instrumentation [Go to Page]
- 4.1 Emission measuring instrumentation
- 4.2 Line impedance stabilization network
- 4.3 Antennas
- 4.4 Calibration of measuring equipment
- 5. General measurement and setup considerations [Go to Page]
- 5.1 General requirements
- 5.2 Radiated emission test site
- 5.3 Radiated emission test distance
- 5.4 Measurements around the EUT
- 5.5 Frequency range of radiated emission measurements
- 5.6 Number of fundamental frequencies to be tested in EUT transmit band
- 5.7 Swept-frequency device measurements
- 5.8 EUT antenna requirements
- 5.9 Restricted frequency bands of operation
- 5.10 General unlicensed wireless device configurations and test setups
- 5.11 Operational requirements during testing
- 5.12 Applied modulation
- 5.13 Variations in supply voltage
- 5.14 Special accessories
- 6. Standard test methods [Go to Page]
- 6.1 General
- 6.2 Standard test method for ac power-line conducted emissions from unlicensed wireless devices
- 6.3 Radiated emissions testing-common requirements
- 6.4 Radiated emissions from unlicensed wireless devices below 30 MHz
- 6.5 Radiated emissions from unlicensed wireless devices in the frequency range of 30 MHz to 1000 MHz
- 6.6 Radiated emissions from unlicensed wireless devices from 1 GHz to 40 GHz
- 6.7 Antenna-port conducted emission measurements
- 6.8 Frequency stability tests
- 6.9 Occupied bandwidth tests
- 6.10 Band-edge testing
- 6.11 On-site (in situ) radiated emission measurements
- 6.12 Figures for Clause 6
- 7. Additional tests and requirements for specific devices [Go to Page]
- 7.1 Test method for determining compliance of cordless telephone handset security code
- 7.2 Frequency pairing of cordless phones
- 7.3 Input power to final RF stage for certain types of unlicensed wireless devices
- 7.4 Procedure for determining compliance of unlicensed wireless devices having periodic operation
- 7.5 Procedure for determining the average value of pulsed emissions
- 7.6 Evaluation of certain unlicensed wireless devices with periodic emissions against limits
- 7.7 Procedure for determining compliance of inductive-loop devices
- 7.8 Evaluation of frequency-hopping device parameters
- 8. Procedures for determining emissions from FM transmitters designed for use in vehicles [Go to Page]
- 8.1 General
- 8.2 Wireless transmission between FM source and vehicle antenna
- 8.3 Injection into a vehicle’s wiring system via the CLA socket
- 8.4 In situ measurement procedure for vehicles
- 8.5 Conducted power measurement
- 8.6 Capacitive coupling to a vehicle FM antenna
- 8.7 Procedure for determining occupied bandwidth of FM transmitter
- 8.8 Figures for Clause 8
- 9. Procedures for testing millimeter-wave systems [Go to Page]
- 9.1 Instrument and test sites
- 9.2 Equations
- 9.3 Emission bandwidth - relative measurement procedure
- 9.4 Occupied bandwidth—Power bandwidth (99%) measurement procedure
- 9.5 Frequency stability measurement procedure
- 9.6 Exploratory radiated measurements
- 9.7 Maximizing procedure for measurements
- 9.8 Measurement of the fundamental emission using spectrum analyzer
- 9.9 Measurement of the fundamental emission using an RF detector
- 9.10 Measurement of unwanted emissions above 40 GHz
- 9.11 Measurement of unwanted emissions at or below 40 GHz
- 10. Procedures for measuring ultra-wideband devices [Go to Page]
- 10.1 Evaluation of −10 dB bandwidth
- 10.2 Radiated measurement procedure below 960 MHz
- 10.3 Radiated measurement procedure above 960 MHz
- 11. Procedures for testing DTS devices [Go to Page]
- 11.1 General
- 11.2 Power limits, definitions, and device configuration
- 11.3 Acceptable measurement configurations
- 11.4 Test suite considerations
- 11.5 Reference level/attenuation/headroom
- 11.6 Duty cycle (D), transmission duration (T), and maximum power control level
- 11.7 Transmit antenna performance considerations
- 11.8 DTS bandwidth
- 11.9 Fundamental emission output power
- 11.10 Maximum power spectral density level in the fundamental emission
- 11.11 Emissions in non-restricted frequency bands
- 11.12 Emissions in restricted frequency bands
- 12. Testing of Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure (U-NII) devices [Go to Page]
- 12.1 General considerations
- 12.2 Duty cycle (D), transmission duration (T), and maximum power control level
- 12.3 Addressing wide band signal measurement issues
- 12.4 Maximum conducted output power
- 12.5 Emission bandwidth and occupied bandwidth
- 12.6 Peak power spectral density
- 12.7 Unwanted emissions measurement
- 12.8 Elevation mask procedures
- 13. Procedures for measuring device operating using antenna arrays with beam-steering and/or beamforming capability [Go to Page]
- 13.1 Definitions specific to this clause
- 13.2 Baseline scan methodologies
- 13.3 Final tests
- 13.4 Occupied bandwidth, power density, output power, and band-edge tests
- 13.5 Spurious emissions tests
- 14. Procedures for combining emissions and computing directional gain from devices with multiple outputs [Go to Page]
- 14.1 Scope
- 14.2 Purpose
- 14.3 Limitations
- 14.4 Methodologies for combining emissions from multiple outputs
- 14.5 Guidance for combining emissions from multiple outputs of a transmitter of from multiple transmitters
- 14.6 Directional gain calculations
- 14.7 MIMO with cross-polarized antenna
- 14.8 Transmitters with non-detachable antennas for MIMO operation
- 15. Whitespace device testing [Go to Page]
- 15.1 Test configuration requirements
- 15.2 Permissible channels of operation
- 15.3 Fixed TVBDs Power measurements
- 15.4 Personal/Portable TVBDs
- 15.5 Band-edge measurement
- 15.6 Adjacent-channel measurement
- 16. Procedures for measuring devices equipped with wireless power transfer functionality [Go to Page]
- 16.1 Definitions specific to Clause 16
- 16.2 Scope
- 16.3 Test procedures
- 17. Test reports
- Annex A (informative) Cross-references between regulatory requirements and ANSI C63.10 test methods
- Annex B (informative) Example test report contents
- Annex C (informative) Pulse desensitization considerations for emission measurements using a spectrum analyzer or EMI receiver (Schaefer [B69])
- Annex D (informative) Detector functions
- Annex E (informative) Measurements above 1 GHz-instrumentation perspective
- Annex F (informative) Broadband measurement discussion
- Annex G (informative) Basic relationships among field strength, power, effective radiated power, and equivalent isotropically radiated power
- Annex H (informative) Rationale for making radiated emission measurements using two different methods
- Annex I (informative) Site considerations for measuring inductive-loop devices in the near-field
- Annex J (informative) Developing a transfer function for FM transmitters (alternative procedure for determining compliance of unlicensed FM transmitters)
- Annex K (informative) Discussion on Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS) for Operation in the 5250 MHz to 5350 MHz and 5470 MHz to 5725 MHz bands
- Annex L (informative) Desensitization factor and sweep time considerations for measurements of FMCW signals
- Annex M (informative) Glossary
- Annex N (informative) Bibliography
- Back Cover [Go to Page]