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BS EN IEC 61400-12-1:2022 Wind energy generation systems - Power performance measurements of electricity producing wind turbines, 2022
- undefined [Go to Page]
- Annex ZA (normative)Normative references to international publicationswith their corresponding European publications
- English [Go to Page]
- 1 Scope
- 2 Normative references
- 3 Terms and definitions
- 4 Symbols, units and abbreviated terms
- 5 Power performance method overview
- 6 Preparation for performance test [Go to Page]
- 6.1 General
- 6.2 Wind turbine and electrical connection
- Tables [Go to Page]
- Table 1 – Overview of wind measurement configurations for power curve measurements that meet the requirements of this document
- 6.3 Test site [Go to Page]
- 6.3.1 General
- 6.3.2 Location of the wind measurement equipment
- 6.3.3 Measurement sector
- 6.3.4 Correction factors and uncertainty due to flow distortion originating from topography
- 7 Test equipment [Go to Page]
- 7.1 Electric power
- Figures [Go to Page]
- Figure 1 – Requirements as to distance of the wind measurement equipment and maximum allowed measurement sectors
- 7.2 Wind speed [Go to Page]
- 7.2.1 General
- Table 2 – Wind speed measurement configurations (X indicates allowable configuration) [Go to Page]
- 7.2.2 General requirements for meteorological mast mounted anemometers
- 7.2.3 Top-mounted anemometers
- 7.2.4 Side-mounted anemometers
- 7.2.5 Remote sensing device (RSD)
- 7.2.6 Rotor equivalent wind speed measurement
- 7.2.7 Hub height wind speed measurement
- 7.2.8 Wind shear measurements
- Figure 2 – Wind shear measurement heights appropriate to measurement of rotor equivalent wind speed
- 7.3 Wind direction
- 7.4 Air density
- Figure 3 – Wind shear measurement heights when no wind speed measurements above hub height are available (for wind shear exponent determination only)
- 7.5 Rotational speed and pitch angle
- 7.6 Blade condition
- 7.7 Wind turbine control system
- 7.8 Data acquisition system
- 8 Measurement procedure [Go to Page]
- 8.1 General
- 8.2 Wind turbine operation
- 8.3 Data collection
- 8.4 Data rejection
- 8.5 Database
- 9 Derived results [Go to Page]
- 9.1 Data normalization [Go to Page]
- 9.1.1 General
- 9.1.2 Correction for meteorological mast flow distortion of side-mounted anemometer
- 9.1.3 Wind shear correction (when REWS measurements available)
- Figure 4 – Process of application of the various normalizations
- Table 3 – Example of REWS calculation [Go to Page]
- 9.1.4 Wind veer correction
- 9.1.5 Air density normalization
- 9.1.6 Turbulence normalization
- 9.2 Determination of the measured power curve
- 9.3 Annual energy production (AEP)
- 9.4 Power coefficient
- 10 Reporting format [Go to Page]
- Figure 5 – Presentation of example database: power performance test scatter plot sampled at 1 Hz (mean values averaged over 10 min)
- Figure 6 – Presentation of example measured power curve
- Figure 7 – Presentation of example CP curve
- Table 4 – Example of presentation of a measured power curve
- Table 5 – Example of presentation of estimated annual energy production
- Annexes [Go to Page]
- Annex A (normative) Assessment of obstacles
- Annex B (normative) Assessment of terrain at the test site
- Annex C (normative) Site calibration procedure
- Annex D (normative) Evaluation of uncertainty in measurement
- Table D.1 – List of uncertainty components
- Annex E (informative) Theoretical basis for determining the uncertainty of measurement using the method of bins [Go to Page]
- E.1 General
- E.2 Combining uncertainties [Go to Page]
- E.2.1 General
- E.2.2 Expanded uncertainty
- E.2.3 Basis for the uncertainty assessment
- Table E.1 – Expanded uncertainties
- Table E.2 – List of category A and B uncertainties [Go to Page]
- E.3 Category A uncertainties [Go to Page]
- E.3.1 General
- E.3.2 Category A uncertainty in electric power
- E.3.3 Category A uncertainties in the site calibration
- E.4 Category B uncertainties: Introduction and data acquisition system [Go to Page]
- E.4.1 Category B uncertainties: Introduction
- E.4.2 Category B uncertainties: Data acquisition system
- E.5 Category B uncertainties: Power output [Go to Page]
- E.5.1 General
- E.5.2 Category B uncertainties: Power output – Current transformers
- E.5.3 Category B uncertainties: Power output – Voltage transformers
- E.5.4 Category B uncertainties: Power output – Power transducer or other power measurement device
- E.5.5 Category B uncertainties: Power output – Data acquisition
- E.6 Category B uncertainties: Wind speed – Introduction and sensors [Go to Page]
- E.6.1 Category B uncertainties: Wind speed – Introduction
- E.6.2 Category B uncertainties: Wind speed – Hardware
- E.6.3 Category B uncertainties: Wind speed – Meteorological mast mounted sensors
- E.7 Category B uncertainties: Wind speed – RSD [Go to Page]
- E.7.1 General
- E.7.2 Category B uncertainties: Wind speed – RSD – Calibration
- E.7.3 Category B uncertainties: Wind speed – RSD – In-situ check
- E.7.4 Category B uncertainties: Wind speed – RSD – Classification
- E.7.5 Category B uncertainties: Wind speed – RSD – Mounting
- E.7.6 Category B uncertainties: Wind speed – RSD – Flow variation
- E.7.7 Category B uncertainties: Wind speed – RSD – Monitoring test
- E.8 Category B uncertainties: Wind speed – REWS [Go to Page]
- E.8.1 General
- E.8.2 Category B uncertainties: Wind speed – REWS – Wind speed measurement over whole rotor
- E.8.3 Category B uncertainties: Wind speed – REWS – Wind veer
- E.9 Category B uncertainties: Wind speed – Terrain [Go to Page]
- E.9.1 General
- E.9.2 Category B uncertainties: Wind speed – Terrain – Pre-calibration
- E.9.3 Category B uncertainties: Wind speed – Terrain – Post-calibration
- E.9.4 Category B uncertainties: Wind speed – Terrain – Classification
- E.9.5 Category B uncertainties: Wind speed – Terrain – Mounting
- E.9.6 Category B uncertainties: Wind speed – Terrain – Data acquisition
- E.9.7 Category B uncertainties: Wind speed – Terrain – Lightning finial
- E.9.8 Category B uncertainties: Wind speed – Terrain – Change in correction between adjacent bins
- E.9.9 Category B uncertainties: Wind speed – Terrain – Removal of WD sensor
- E.9.10 Category B uncertainties: Wind speed – Terrain – Seasonal variation
- E.10 Category B uncertainties: Air density [Go to Page]
- E.10.1 General
- E.10.2 Category B uncertainties: Air density – Temperature – Introduction
- E.10.3 Category B uncertainties: Air density – Temperature – Calibration
- E.10.4 Category B uncertainties: Air density – Temperature – Radiation shielding
- E.10.5 Category B uncertainties: Air density – Temperature – Mounting
- E.10.6 Category B uncertainties: Air density – Temperature – Data acquisition
- E.10.7 Category B uncertainties: Air density – Pressure – Introduction
- E.10.8 Category B uncertainties: Air density – Pressure – Calibration
- E.10.9 Category B uncertainties: Air density – Pressure – Mounting
- E.10.10 Category B uncertainties: Air density – Pressure – Data acquisition
- E.10.11 Category B uncertainties: Air density – Relative humidity – Introduction
- E.10.12 Category B uncertainties: Air density – Relative humidity – Calibration
- E.10.13 Category B uncertainties: Air density – Relative humidity – Mounting
- E.10.14 Category B uncertainties: Air density – Relative humidity – Data acquisition
- E.10.15 Category B uncertainties: Air density – Correction
- E.11 Category B uncertainties: Method [Go to Page]
- E.11.1 General
- E.11.2 Category B uncertainties: Method – Wind conditions
- Table E.3 – Example of standard uncertainties due to absence of a wind shear measurement
- Table E.4 – Example of standard uncertainties due to absence of a wind veer measurement [Go to Page]
- [Go to Page]
- E.11.3 Category B uncertainties: Method – Seasonal effects
- Table E.5 – Uncertainty contributions due to lack of upflow knowledge
- Table E.6 – Uncertainty contributions due to lack of turbulence knowledge [Go to Page]
- [Go to Page]
- E.11.4 Category B uncertainties: Method – Turbulence normalization (or the lack thereof)
- E.11.5 Category B uncertainties: Method – Cold climate
- E.12 Category B uncertainties: Wind direction [Go to Page]
- E.12.1 General
- E.12.2 Category B uncertainties: Wind direction – Vane or sonic
- E.12.3 Category B uncertainties: Wind direction – RSD
- E.13 Combining uncertainties [Go to Page]
- E.13.1 General
- E.13.2 Combining Category B uncertainties in electric power (uP,i)
- E.13.3 Combining uncertainties in the wind speed measurement (uV,i)
- E.13.4 Combining uncertainties in the wind speed measurement from cup or sonic (uVS,i)
- E.13.5 Combining uncertainties in the wind speed measurement from RSD (uVR,i)
- E.13.6 Combining uncertainties in the wind speed measurement from REWS uVREWS,i
- E.13.7 Combining uncertainties in the wind speed measurement for REWS for either a meteorological mast significantly above hub height or an RSD with a lower-than-hub-height meteorological mast
- Table E.7 – Suggested assumptions for correlations of measurement uncertainties between different measurement heights [Go to Page]
- [Go to Page]
- E.13.8 Combining uncertainties in the wind speed measurement for REWS for a hub height meteorological mast plus RSD for shear using an absolute wind speed
- E.13.9 Combining uncertainties in the wind speed measurement for REWS for hub height meteorological mast RSD for shear using a relative wind speed
- E.13.10 Combining uncertainties in the wind speed measurement from REWS due to wind veer across the whole rotor uVREWS,veer,i
- Table E.8 – Suggested correlation assumptions for relative wind direction measurement uncertainties at different measurement heights [Go to Page]
- [Go to Page]
- E.13.11 Combining uncertainties in the wind speed measurement from flow distortion due to site calibration uVT,i
- E.13.12 Combining uncertainties for the temperature measurement uT,i
- E.13.13 Combining uncertainties for the pressure measurement uB,i
- E.13.14 Combining uncertainties for the humidity measurement uRH,i
- E.13.15 Combining uncertainties for the method related components uM,i
- E.13.16 Combining uncertainties for the wind direction measurement with wind vane or sonic anemometer uWV,i
- E.13.17 Combining uncertainties for the wind direction measurement with RSD uWR,i
- E.13.18 Combined category B uncertainties
- E.13.19 Combined standard uncertainty – Power curve
- E.13.20 Combined standard uncertainty – Energy production
- E.14 Relevance of uncertainty components under specified conditions
- E.15 Reference tables
- Table E.9 – Uncertainties from air density normalization
- Table E.10 – Sensitivity factors
- Table E.11 – Category B uncertainties
- Annex F (normative) Wind tunnel calibration procedure for anemometers
- Annex G (normative) Mounting of instruments on the meteorological mast
- Annex H (normative) Power performance testing of small wind turbines [Go to Page]
- H.1 General
- H.2 Wind turbine system definition and installation
- H.3 Meteorological mast location
- H.4 Test equipment
- Figure H.1 – Definition of hub height and meteorological mast locationfor vertical axis wind turbines [Go to Page]
- H.5 Measurement procedure
- Table H.1 – Battery bank voltage settings [Go to Page]
- H.6 Derived results
- H.7 Reporting
- H.8 Assessment of influence of wind turbines and obstacles at the test site
- H.9 Assessment of terrain at test site
- H.10 Site calibration procedure (refer to IEC 61400-12-3)
- Annex I (normative) Classification of cup and sonic anemometry
- Annex J (normative) Assessment of cup and sonic anemometry
- Annex K (normative) In-situ comparison of anemometers
- Annex L (normative) The application of remote sensing technology [Go to Page]
- L.1 General
- L.2 Classification requirements specific to power performance tests
- L.3 Verification requirements specific to power performance tests
- L.4 Uncertainty evaluation specific to power performance tests
- L.5 Additional checks specific to power performance tests [Go to Page]
- L.5.1 Monitoring the performance of the remote sensing device at the application site
- L.5.2 Identification of malfunctioning of the remote sensing device
- L.5.3 Consistency check of the assessment of the remote sensing device systematic uncertainties
- L.5.4 In-situ test of the remote sensing device
- L.6 Other requirements specific to power performance testing
- Figure L.1 – Example of permitted range of locations for measurement volume
- Annex M (informative) Normalization of power curve data according to the turbulence intensity [Go to Page]
- M.1 General
- M.2 Turbulence normalization procedure
- Figure M.1 – Process for obtaining a power curvefor a specific turbulence intensity (Iref) [Go to Page]
- M.3 Determination of the zero turbulence power curve
- Figure M.2 – Process for obtaining the initial zero turbulence power curve parameters from the measured data
- Figure M.3 – First approach for initial zero turbulence power curve
- Figure M.4 – Process for obtaining the theoretical zero-turbulence power curve from the measured data
- Figure M.5 – Adjusted initial zero turbulence power curve (green) compared to first approach (red)
- Figure M.6 – Process for obtaining the final zero-turbulence power curve from the measured data
- Figure M.7 – Adjusted initial zero turbulence power curve (green) compared to final zero turbulence power curve (black) [Go to Page]
- M.4 Order of wind shear correction (normalization) and turbulence normalization
- M.5 Uncertainty of turbulence normalization or of power curves due to turbulence effects
- Annex N (informative) Wind tunnel calibration procedure for wind direction sensors
- Annex O (informative) Power performance testing in cold climate [Go to Page]
- O.1 Overview
- O.2 Recommendations [Go to Page]
- O.2.1 General
- O.2.2 Sonic anemometers
- O.2.3 Cup anemometers
- O.3 Uncertainties
- O.4 Reporting
- Annex P (informative) Wind shear normalization procedure
- Annex Q (informative) Definition of the rotor equivalent wind speed under consideration of wind veer [Go to Page]
- Q.1 Overview
- Q.2 Definition of rotor equivalent wind speed under consideration of wind veer
- Q.3 Measurement of wind veer
- Q.4 Combined wind shear and wind veer normalization
- Figure Q.1 – Wind profiles measured with lidar over flat terrain
- Annex R (informative) Uncertainty considerations for tests on multiple turbines
- Table R.1 – List of correlated uncertainty components
- Annex S (informative) Mast flow distortion correction for lattice masts
- Bibliography [Go to Page]