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24/30487802 DC NA to BS EN 1999-1-1. UK National Annex to Eurocode 9. Design of aluminium structures. - Part 1-1: General structural rules, 2024
- 30464833 [Go to Page]
- 30464833_Form 36
- 30464833_text [Go to Page]
- Introduction [Go to Page]
- NA.1 Scope
- NA.2 Nationally determined parameters [Go to Page]
- NA.2.1 Ultimate limit states [BS EN 1996-1-1, 4.4.4(2)]
- NA.2.2 Specification and grouping of masonry units [BS EN 1996-1-1, 5.1.2(4)]
- NA.2.3 Specification of masonry mortar [BS EN 1996-1-1, 5.2.2(2)] [Go to Page]
- NA.2.3.1 Mortars
- NA.2.3.2 Cement
- NA.2.3.3 Lime
- NA.2.3.4 Fine aggregates (sand) and other aggregates
- NA.2.3.5 Admixtures and additions
- NA.2.4 Characteristic compressive strength of non-shell bedded masonry [BS EN 1996-1-1,]
- NA.2.5 Characteristic compressive strength of non-shell bedded masonry, based on tests [BS EN 1996-1-1,]
- NA.2.6 Characteristic shear strength of masonry [BS EN 1996-1-1,]
- NA.2.7 Characteristic shear strength of masonry [BS EN 1966-1-1,]
- NA.2.8 Characteristic initial shear strength [BS EN 1996-1-1,]
- NA.2.9 Characteristic flexural strength of masonry [BS EN 1996-1-1, 5.7.4(4)]
- NA.2.10 Modulus of elasticity [BS EN 1996-1-1, 5.8.2(3)]
- NA.2.11 Creep, moisture expansion or shrinkage and thermal expansion [BS EN 1996-1-1, 5.8.4(3)]
- NA.2.12 Reinforcing steel [BS EN 1996-1-1, 6.3.3(2)]
- NA.2.13 Reinforcing steel [BS EN 1996-1-1, 6.3.3(3)]
- NA.2.14 Effective thickness of masonry walls [BS EN 1996-1-1,]
- NA.2.15 In-plane shear resistance [BS EN 1996-1-1, 8.3.1(2)]
- NA.2.16 In-plane shear resistance [BS EN 1996-1-1,]
- NA.2.17 Minimum thickness of wall [BS EN 1996-1-1, 10.1.2(2)]
- NA.2.18 Cavity and veneer walls [BS EN 1996-1-1,]
- NA.2.19 Double-leaf and collar jointed walls [BS EN 1996-1-1,]
- NA.2.20 Vertical chases and recesses [BS EN 1996-1-1, 10.6.2(1)]
- NA.3 Decisions on the status of the informative annexes
- NA.4 References to non-contradictory complementary information
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- Foreword [Go to Page]
- Publishing information
- Supersession
- NA.1 Scope
- NA.2 Nationally determined parameters [Go to Page]
- NA.2.1 4.1.2(3) Options allowed by EN 1090-3 and EN 1090-5 to suit reliability levels [Go to Page]
- NA.2.2 4.4.3(2) Partial factors for resistance of wrought aluminium alloys
- NA.2.3 4.5(1) Rules for testing of resistance values
- NA.2.4 5.2.1(1) Additional aluminium alloys and tempers other than listed in Table 5.1, Table 5.2 and Table 5.5
- NA.2.5 9.1(2) Minimum requirements for serviceability and associated loading and analysis model
- NA.2.6 9.2(2) Minimum requirements for vibrations of aluminium structures
- NA.2.7 Provisions for testing to allow use of higher values of characteristic strength of filler material S Al 5356 and S Al 4043A than given in Table 10.6
- NA.2.8 A.3.2(1) Fields of application for execution classes
- NA.2.9 A.4(1) Choice of execution class in terms of type of the structure
- NA.2.10 A.4(3) NOTE 1 Whether selection of execution class should be based on Table A.1
- NA.2.11 A.4(3) NOTE 2 General guidance on selection of execution class
- NA.2.12 A.4(4) Choice of execution class in terms of components or details
- NA.2.13 A.5(1) Particular provisions for evaluation of utilization grades for seismic ductility class DC2
- NA.2.14 E.3.1(2) Values of partial factors for design strengths of cast parts
- NA.2.15 E.3.1(3) Values of partial factors for design bearing resistance of bolts and rivets in castings
- NA.2.16 H.2(6) Rules for testing of cross-sections beyond the elastic limit
- NA.2.17 O.2(2) NOTE 2 Further information on the use of thread rolling screws
- NA.2.18 O.2(2) NOTE 3 Further information on shear and tension resistance of self-tapping and thread rolling screws
- NA.2.19 S.2(2) Minimum requirements for the structural design of temporary aluminium bridges
- NA.2.20 S.4.1.2(3) Minimum requirements for the design service life of temporary aluminium bridges
- NA.2.21 S.4.1.2(4) Minimum requirements for the records of actual use of the service life of temporary aluminium bridges
- NA.2.22 S.6(3) Minimum requirements for access for in-service inspection and maintenance operations
- NA.2.23 S.10.4(1) Values for damage equivalent factors for aluminium bridges
- NA.3 Decisions on the status of the informative annexes
- NA.4 Complementary information [Go to Page]
- NA.4.1 Complementary information for Eurocode clauses [Go to Page]
- NA.4.1.1 5.2.1(1) Additional aluminium alloys and tempers other than listed in Tables 5.1, 5.2 and 5.5
- NA.4.1.2 9.1(2) Minimum requirements for serviceability and associated loading and analysis model
- NA.4.1.3 9.2(2) Minimum requirements for vibrations of aluminium structures
- NA.4.1.4 10.13(3) Other joining methods
- NA.4.1.5 A.3.2(1) Fields of application for execution classes
- NA.4.1.6 E.3.1(2) Values of partial factors for design strengths of cast parts
- NA.4.1.7 E.3.1(3) Values of partial factors for design bearing resistance of bolts and rivets in castings
- NA.4.1.8 H.2(6) Rules for testing of cross-sections beyond the elastic limit
- NA.4.2 References to complementary information
- Annex A (informative) Relocatable aluminium bridges - Additional minimum recommendations for structural design, design service life and records for actual use of service life [Go to Page]
- NA.A.1 Use of this annex
- NA.A.2 Scope and field of application
- NA.A.3 Minimum recommendations for the structural design of relocatable aluminium bridges
- NA.A.4 Minimum recommendations for the design service life of relocatable aluminium bridges
- NA.A.5 Minimum recommendations for the records of actual use of the service life of relocatable aluminium bridges
- Bibliography [Go to Page]