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Improving the Seismic Performance of Existing Buildings and Other Structures, 2010
- Cover
- Contents
- Plenary Papers [Go to Page]
- National Seismic Hazard and Risk—The Problem
- Performance-Based Seismic Upgrade of Building Structural Systems: A 2020 Vision
- Progress of Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings in the U.S.
- Analysis and Rehabilitation Case Studies 1 [Go to Page]
- Case Studies in Seismic Evaluation and Rehabilitation [Go to Page]
- Seismic Assessment and Retrofit of BART Parking Structures
- Seismic Assessment and Retrofit of Engineering Systems in Wellington Hospitals—A Case Study
- Seismic Evaluation and Rehabilitation of a Three Story Pre-Northridge Steel Frame Essential Service Facility
- Seismic Rehabilitation of an Existing Braced Frame Hospital Building by Direct Replacement with Buckling-Restrained Braces
- Seismic Upgrade of a 15-Story Steel Moment Frame Building—Satisfying Performance Criteria with Application of Experimental and Analytical Procedures
- ASCE 41 Case Studies [Go to Page]
- Evaluation of the ASCE 41 Linear Elastic Procedure for Seismic Retrofit of Existing Structures: Pros and Cons of the Method
- Immediate Occupancy Seismic Upgrade of an Operating High-Tech Manufacturing Facility
- Nonlinear Analysis of Pre-Northridge Steel High-Rise Building Using Modal-Pushover-Based Ground Motion Scaling Procedure
- Seismic Rehabilitation of Santa Monica Place Mall Based on ASCE 41
- Seismic Mitigation Program Case Studies [Go to Page]
- Observations from California's Unreinforced Masonry and Public School Programs and the California Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan
- Risk Based Seismic Evaluation of Pre-1973 Hospital Buildings Using the HAZUS Methodology
- Seismic Analysis and Retrofit of Existing Department of Defense Structures in Accordance with the Unified Facilities Criteria
- The Policy Problem of Non-Ductile Concrete Buildings in Los Angeles: Costly Earthquakes, Uncertain Owners
- Analysis and Rehabilitation Case Studies 2 [Go to Page]
- Incremental Seismic Rehabilitation and Cost-Benefit Studies [Go to Page]
- Financial Benefit of Retrofitting Seismic-Risk Buildings with Passive Control Devices
- Incremental Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings
- Integrated Incremental Seismic Rehabilitation: A Practical Approach to Reducing Risk in Existing Vulnerable Buildings
- Preliminary Results of a Cost-Benefit Assessment of Replacing Seismically Vulnerable Non-Ductile Reinforced Concrete Frame Structures
- Roble Hall at Stanford University: A Case Study in the Evolution of Seismic Rehabilitation Standards
- Seismic Evaluation and Rehabilitation of School Buildings: An International Perspective [Go to Page]
- High Performance Fiber Reinforced Concrete Jacketing in a Seismic Retrofitting Application
- Performance-Based Retrofit of School Buildings in British Columbia, Canada
- Seismic Assessment on In Situ School Testing in Taiwan Using Methodology of ASCE/SEI 41-06
- Seismic Risk Reduction for Schools with Stone Slab Roof Systems in Delhi
- Earthquake Performance Assessment and Retrofit of Public Buildings in Istanbul: ISMEP Project [Go to Page]
- Development of Guidelines and Effective Retrofit Strategies for Public Schools and Hospitals in Istanbul, Turkey
- Displacement-Based Seismic Rehabilitation of Non-Ductile RC Frames with Added Shear Walls
- Improving the Seismic Performance of Existing Structures in Istanbul, Turkey
- Parametric Evaluation of Seismic Retrofitting Techniques Applied to the Public School Buildings in Istanbul
- Performance Comparisons of Seismic Assessment Methods with PSD Test Results of a Deficient RC Frame
- Analysis and Rehabilitation Case Studies 3 [Go to Page]
- Practical Issues with Retrofit of Soft Story Residential Buildings [Go to Page]
- Evaluation and Retrofit Provisions for Bay Area Soft Story Woodframe Buildings
- Manufactured, Pre-Engineered Moment Resisting Frames Used in Soft-Story Building Retrofits of Light-Framed Construction
- Recommended Directions for IEBC Appendix Chapter A4: Earthquake Hazard Reduction in Existing Wood-Frame Residential Buildings with Soft, Weak, or Open-Front Walls
- Soft/Weak Story Problems and Solutions for Residential Structures
- Seismic Performance and Rehabilitation of Non-Building Structures [Go to Page]
- Probabilistic Evaluation of Seismic Performance of Vincent Thomas Bridge under Spatially Variable Ground Motions
- Seismic Performance Evaluation of Container Cranes
- The Excellent Seismic Performance of Steel Orthotropic Bridges
- Seismic Evaluation and Rehabilitation Using Performance-Based Objectives [Go to Page]
- Fragility Curves for Reinforced Concrete Moment Frames
- Performance Based Seismic Retrofit of the Los Angeles Downtown Women's Center Project
- Seismic Assessment of Buildings, Considering Post-Earthquake Safety
- Suggested Improvements to Guidelines, Standards, and Analysis Procedures 1 [Go to Page]
- Improving ASCE 31 and 41 [Go to Page]
- An Action Plan for Improving the Seismic Performance of Existing Buildings: ATC 71
- Concept Paper on Utilizing the FEMA P695 (ATC-63) Ground Motion Spectral Shape Guidelines to Adjust the Target Displacement in the ASCE/SEI 41 Nonlinear Static Procedure
- Evaluation of Coefficient Method for Seismic Assessment of Existing Buildings Built on Soft Soil Sites
- Resilience Criteria for Seismic Evaluation of Existing Buildings: A Proposal to Supplement ASCE 31 for Intermediate Performance Objectives
- Current Experimental and Analytical Research on Existing Reinforced Concrete Columns [Go to Page]
- Experimental Study on Dynamic Behavior of Multi-Story Reinforced Concrete Frames with Non-Seismic Detailing
- Local Deformation Measures for RC Column Shear Failures Leading to Collapse
- Progressive Collapse Simulation of Reinforced Concrete Buildings Using Column Models with Strength Deterioration after Yielding
- Response Estimation of Non-Ductile Reinforced Concrete Columns Subjected to Lateral Loads
- Simultaneous Shear and Axial Failures of Reinforced Concrete Columns
- Development of Guide for Seismic Rehabilitation of Existing Concrete Buildings [Go to Page]
- Guide for Seismic Rehabilitation of Existing Concrete Buildings: Vision
- Guide for Seismic Rehabilitation of Concrete Buildings: Summary of Future Changes
- A Practical Model for Beam-Column Connection Behavior in Reinforced Concrete Frames
- Seismic Performance Evaluation of Rehabilitated Reinforced Concrete Columns through Jacketing
- Suggested Improvements to Guidelines, Standards, and Analysis Procedures 2 [Go to Page]
- All About PMLs [Go to Page]
- A Definition Undone: Explicit Estimation of PMLs in the Age of Reliance on Design Ground Motion Records
- Report Cards for Buildings: A Proposed Rating System for Earthquake Performance
- The Problems with PMLs
- Improving Acceleration Demands for Acceleration-Sensitive Nonstructural Components in Buildings [Go to Page]
- A Comprehensive Study of Floor Acceleration Demands in Multi-Story Buildings
- Response Spectrum Method for Estimation of Peak Floor Acceleration Demand
- Seismic Acceleration Demands on Nonstructural Components Attached to Elastic and Inelastic Structures
- Seismic Performance of Nonstructural Components [Go to Page]
- Nonstructural Seismic Performance for Facilities in Seismic Regions: Is the Expected Earthquake Performance Really Being Achieved?
- Numerical Study to Investigate the Effect of Elastomeric Snubber Properties on Seismic Response of Vibration-Isolated Nonstructural Components
- Reducing the Risks of Nonstructural Earthquake Damage
- Seismic Vulnerability of Data Centers
- Suggested Improvements to Guidelines, Standards, and Analysis Procedures 3 [Go to Page]
- Analysis Methods for Seismic Rehabilitation and Evaluation [Go to Page]
- A Simplified Nonlinear Analysis Procedure Using Linear Analysis
- Experimental and Numerical Validation of Selective Weakening Retrofit for Existing Non-Ductile R.C. Frames
- FEMA P-440A: Effects of Strength and Stiffness Degradation on the Seismic Response of Structural Systems
- Instrumental Assessment of the Predictive Capability of Nonlinear Static Analysis Procedures for Seismic Evaluation of Buildings
- Seismic Retrofitting of Existing RC Frames with Buckling Restrained Braces
- From Research to Practice: Transforming Analysis in the Design Office [Go to Page]
- A Simplified Axial-Shear-Flexure Interaction Approach for Load and Displacement Capacity of Reinforced Concrete Columns
- An Energy Spectrum Method for Seismic Evaluation of Structures
- Seismic Evaluation and Rehabilitation of Concentrically Braced Frames
- Simplified Analysis Methods for Low-Rise Buildings [Go to Page]
- Displacement-Based Assessment Procedure for Regular Confined Masonry Buildings in Seismic Regions
- Ductility-Related Force Modification Factors of Wood Constructions with Shear Walls of Different Ductility
- Nonlinear Performance Based Seismic Assessment for Low-Rise Buildings
- Innovative Approaches to Rehabilitation 1 [Go to Page]
- New Materials and Innovative Approaches for Seismic Rehabilitation [Go to Page]
- Evaluation of a Sprayable, Ductile Cement-Based Composite for the Seismic Retrofit of Unreinforced Masonry Infills
- Experimental Investigation of Concrete Columns Wrapped with Shape Memory Alloy Spirals
- Improving Seismic Performance Using Seismic Isolation and/or Tuned Mass Dampers [Go to Page]
- An Innovative Application of Base Isolation Technology
- Analytical and Experimental Studies on Seismic Behavior of Buildings with Mid-Story Isolation
- Seismic Isolation Retrofit for Existing Buildings in Japan
- Seismic Retrofit of a Landmark Structure Using a Mass Damper
- Seismic Retrofitting of Three Important Buildings in Italy and Turkey
- Improving the Seismic Evaluation of Existing Structures through Monitoring [Go to Page]
- Assessment of ASCE-7 Ground Motion Scaling Method Using Computer Model of Instrumented High-Rise Building
- Estimation of Seismic Performance of Existing Steel Moment Resisting Frame Buildings by Using Continuous Models
- Performance Comparisons of External Strengthening Methods for Deficient RC Frames
- Improving Seismic Performance Using Viscous or Friction Dampers [Go to Page]
- Identification and Modeling of Limit States of Viscous Dampers under Large Earthquakes
- Seismic Rehabilitation of Extreme Soft-Story School Building with Friction Dampers Using the ASCE 41 Standard
- Structural Optimization of Viscous Dampers Using Genetic Algorithms for Improving Seismic Performance of Existing Buildings
- Viscous Dampers Used to Renovate Twin 17-Story State Buildings
- Improved Seismic Performance Using Other Types of Supplemental Damping—I [Go to Page]
- Arc Shaped Damper Retrofit Technique for Existing Rail Way Viaduct Structures
- Comparison of Retrofitting Techniques for Existing Steel Moment Resisting Frames
- Seismic Retrofitting Using Energy Dissipation Façades
- Seismic Retrofit Using Rocking Walls and Steel Dampers
- Improved Seismic Performance Using Other Types of Supplemental Damping—II [Go to Page]
- Dynamic Response of Steel Moment-Frame Structures with Hybrid Passive Control Systems
- Non-Structural Reinforced Concrete Partition Walls as Secondary Damping Devices
- The Evaluation of a Damper Device with High Damping Rubber for Wooden Houses
- Innovative Approaches to Rehabilitation 2 [Go to Page]
- Case Study of Comprehensive Nonlinear Analysis and Laboratory Testing of RC Concrete Structure [Go to Page]
- Benefits of Using Nonlinear Analysis on Seismic Retrofit from Structural Engineering Standpoint
- Seismic Rehabilitation—Benefits of Component Testing
- The Importance of Performance-Based Geotechnical Parameters for Nonlinear Analysis
- Infilled Non-Ductile Concrete Frames [Go to Page]
- FRP Retrofit for Collapse Mitigation of RC Frames with URM Infills: 3-D Computational Modeling of an As-Built and Retrofitted One Story Building
- Infill Walls as a Spine to Enhance the Seismic Performance of Non-Ductile Reinforced Concrete Frames
- Seismic Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Frame with New CFRP Units Infilled Wall
- Seismic Performance of Non-Ductile RC Frames with Brick Infill
- Mitigation Policy Issues, Strategies, and Ongoing Programs 1 [Go to Page]
- Addressing the Global Earthquake Risks Posed by Existing Buildings [Go to Page]
- Istanbul Seismic Risk Mitigation and Emergency Preparedness Project (ISMEP)
- Building Capacity in Delhi to Seismically Retrofit Existing Important Buildings
- Earthquakes and Existing Buildings: New Zealand Experience 1968 to 2008
- Policy Issues with Soft Story Residential Buildings [Go to Page]
- Mitigating San Francisco's Soft-Story Building Problem
- Problem to Policy: Linking Hazard and Residential Building Data to Policy Decisions
- Emerging Seismic Mitigation Programs for Hazardous Wood-Frame Structures [Go to Page]
- ATC-50, Seismic Grading and Retrofitting Project for Detached Single-Family Wood-Frame Dwellings
- Loss Estimates for Large Soft-Story Woodframe Buildings in San Francisco
- Strengthening of Existing Light-Framed Buildings with Gypsum Shear Walls Using a Newly Developed Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Assembly
- Use of Garage Doors to Resist Lateral Forces
- Mitigation Policy Issues, Strategies, and Ongoing Programs 2 [Go to Page]
- Concrete Coalition: Finding and Fixing Dangerous Buildings [Go to Page]
- The Concrete Coalition: A Panel Discussion on Understanding the Policy, Inventory, and Technical Problems Associated with Pre-1980 Concrete Buildings
- Overcoming Technical Impediments to Risk Awareness [Go to Page]
- A ShakeCast User's Observations on the Benefits of Situational Awareness for Seismic Risk Management
- Applications and Challenges to Using HAZUS-MH for Building Seismic Risk Awareness
- End-to-End Seismic Risk Management Software
- Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment for Quetta and Surrounding Region
- Earthquake Surface Fault Rupture Design Considerations [Go to Page]
- Designing Buildings to Accommodate Earthquake Surface Fault Rupture
- Evaluation and Retrofit for Fault Rupture: UC Berkeley, Bowles Hall
- UC Berkeley's California Memorial Stadium: Seismic Strengthening of an Historic Structure Residing over an Active Fault
- Mitigation Policy Issues, Strategies, and Ongoing Programs 3 [Go to Page]
- Improving the Seismic Performance of Historic Buildings: An International Perspective [Go to Page]
- Seismic Assessment and Rehabilitation of Historical Unreinforced Masonry (URM) Buildings in Istanbul
- The Improving of the Seismic Performance of Existing Old Public Unreinforced Masonry Buildings
- Traditional and Innovative Techniques for the Seismic Strengthening of Barrel Vaulted Structures Subjected to Rocking of the Abutments
- Posters [Go to Page]
- Poster Session 1 [Go to Page]
- Cyclic Model for High Performance Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Composite Structures
- Development of Seismic Vulnerability Curves for Masonry Buildings Using the Applied Element Method
- Distribution of Inelastic Demand in Slender R/C Shear Walls Subjected to Eastern North America Ground Motions
- Importance of Wood and Iron Tension Members on Seismic Performance of Historic Masonry Buildings: Three Case Studies from Turkey
- Seismic Enhancement of Existing Buildings by Means of Fiber Reinforced Concrete Diaphragms
- Seismic Resistance of Fire-Damaged Reinforced Concrete Columns
- Poster Session 2 [Go to Page]
- Static Pushover Analysis Based on an Energy-Equivalent SDOF System: Application to Spatial Systems
- Steel Bar Fracture of Reinforced Concrete Frame under Extremely Strong Seismic Load
- Structural Pounding Response Mitigation by Liquid Dampers
- Studying the Rehabilitation of Existing Structures Using Compound System of Cables and Shape Memory Alloys
- Poster Session 3 [Go to Page]
- Seismic Retrofit of Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Joints with CFRP Composites [Go to Page]