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No matter the size of your company, you need access to the same building codes and standards as a large company.
Access to codes is often cost prohibitive, which means many companies simply do not have access, or must pick and choose the books needed most in their library.
This often ends up costing small companies more time and money, when buildings are not designed to code, permits are not granted on the first try or errors come up during construction.
MADCAD is now offering a solution to empower small architectural firms by providing affordable options to access to essential codes and standards.
Standard packages for your convenience.
We have pulled together the most frequently used
codes and standards into two packages.
Most architectural firms use the same set of model codes and standards.
We have created two tiers of subscriptions, with the option to add relevant
state codes and other popular standards.
Gold Package
ASTM referenced in Building Codes and Specs (1,300+ Standards)
NFPA NFC and Handbooks (300+ Standards)
ASHRAE referenced in I-Codes (10 Standards)
2 editions of I-Codes Pack (20 Code Books)
ASME Elevator Code
$7,600 / year / group ($190 / year / architect*)
Silver Package
ASTM referenced in I-Codes (430+ Standards)
NFPA Standards (100 Standards)
ASHRAE referenced in I-Codes (10 Standards)
2 editions of I-Codes Designer Pack (10 Code Books)
ASME Elevator Code
$3,600 / year / group ($90 / year / architect*)
Additional Codes
State Codes (CA, FL, MI, NJ, NY, OH, OR, SC, VA, WA) $400-700 / state / year / group
USGBC V4 Reference Guides $565 / year / group
ASCI Steel Manual $537 / year / group
Pricing is for one simultaneous user per title.
Simultaneous users can be increased for each title based on demand.
* Assuming 40 architects per group.
Simultaneous users.
How shared subscriptions work.
Similar to a physical library, in MADCAD's digital library, each user must check out each book while they are viewing it. If a user is viewing a title with one simultaneous user, no one else will be able to view that title until the first user leaves. However, all 40 users of the library can technically be viewing different titles within the library at the same time.
We start all subscriptions with one simultaneous user per title, and increase users if and when it becomes necessary. It is possible to increase usage on any number of titles, while keeping the others at one user.
Registration is open. Simply fill out a form to tell us which package you are interested in, and we will match you up with other AIA SFX Members.